Sunday, November 8, 2020


Elder Elder Ulisses Soares, Seek Christ in Every Thought, October 2020 General Conference

"Moroni also reminded his people not to be consumed by their lusts. The word lust refers to an intense longing and improper desire for something. It encompasses any dark thoughts or evil desires that cause an individual to focus on selfish practices or worldly possessions rather than doing good, being kind, keeping the commandments of God, and so forth. It is often manifested through the most carnal feelings of the soul."

Sunday, February 2, 2020


Definition of Diligence from Webster's Dictionary 1828
"Steady application in business of any kind; constant effort to accomplish what is undertaken; exertion of body or mind without unnecessary delay or sloth; due attention; industry; assiduity."

Preach My Gospel [2004], 121
“Diligence is steady, consistent, earnest, and energetic effort in doing the Lord’s work”

Doctrine and Covenants 4:6-7
6 Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.
7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen.

Doctrine and Covenants 30:8
8 Wherefore, give heed unto these things and be diligent in keeping my commandments, and you shall be blessed unto eternal life. Amen.

2 Peter 1:5
And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;